A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Nov. 9, 1956—Even though the Morgan County High School football team has not done as well this season as its fans would like, the enthusiasm demonstrated at every game by the cheerleaders has never wavered. The squad consists of Ann Hoffhaus, Lee Block, Patsy Alexander, Betty McClain, Saralene Bridges, Joyce Payne, Joy Sue Gibson, Sylvia Adcock, and little Carol McElroy.
Nov. 9, 1956 —The selective service board has advised that no more draftees from this county will be available for induction until such time as several south Alabama jurisdictions resume drafting young men in their areas. Grady J. Long of Hartselle, chairman of Local Board No. 52, announced this policy.
Nov. 10, 1956 —For the second year the faculty members of the Morgan County Training School responded to the United Fund appeal by giving a full day’s pay for each of the dozen teachers.
Nov. 11, 1956 —It’s open house this afternoon from 2 until 5 at the new $150,000 Block-Chandler hospital located on U.S. highway 31 here in Hartselle. The first of the 20 available beds will be occupied sometime tonight.
Nov. 11, 1956 —Wayne Wilson, 20, passed away today at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson, following a long illness.
Nov. 11, 1956 —Betty Vaughan Cook, daughter of Mrs. Earl Preston Cook of Hartselle, was married today to Bruce Wakefield Karrh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barney B. Karrh of Carbon Hill.
Nov. 12, 1956 —Members of the Hartselle congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses have returned from a convention of the faith in Columbia, Tenn. One topic on the program was, “What Will Armageddon Mean for You?”
Nov. 13, 1956 —Claude B. Gilchrist, 68, father of Morgan County Representative Robert (Bob) Gilchrist died this afternoon at Hartselle hospital. Funeral services for Mr. Gilchrist, a resident of Somerville, are to be on Thursday at the Methodist church.
Nov. 14, 1956 —Some unknown prowlers broke into Bush’s Dairy Bar last night and stole an empty cash register.
Nov 15, 1956 —Hal Butler, a student at Jacksonville State Teachers College, is his ROTC unit’s current “cadet of the week.”
(This marks the beginning of the 16th year of this feature. I am very appreciative for the continuing opportunity to contribute and am thankful for the positive feedback received. B.S.)