A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Dec. 7, 1956 —It was learned this morning that two star Tiger athletes, co-captains Karl Estes and Frankie Dean, have been chosen to the all-Tennessee Valley Conference football squad. Estes in his fullback spot and Dean in his guard position formed the bulwark of the Tigers’ strength this past season and their being selected for this honor came as no surprise to the many fans who saw them in action on the gridiron.
Dec. 8, 1956 —There was a wreck involving a 1954 Chevy at Massey last night. The car hit a calf, doing about $200 damage to the car and sending two people to the hospital.
Dec. 9, 1956 —Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Oden and H. M. Lyle were in Florence this afternoon to attend the formal dedication of a new Knights of Pythias lodge.
Dec. 10, 1956 —The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church met tonight in the home of Mrs. S. E. Stewart, Jr., for their Christmas party. Mrs. E. R. Roberts and Mrs. Jack Hoffhaus were hostesses to the Current Review Club the program for which was presented by Mrs. John Guier and Mrs. Horace Broom.
Dec. 10, 1956 —Tommy Ed Roberts, tackle for the MCHS Tigers, underwent surgery for a knee injury at Block-Chandler Hospital this afternoon. It is hoped that Tommy Ed will be able to be removed to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Roberts, by the end of the week. The young athlete injured his knee early in the season, but was able to get in some more action before being forced to a sideline position for the last few games.
Dec. 11, 1956 —Local Bama fans, still reeling from a disastrous football season, were delighted to read today that the Tide basketball quintet is ranked ninth in the nation.
Dec. 11, 1956 —The MCHS PTA met this afternoon for a Christmas program directed by Mrs. W. H. Block. Besides Mrs. Block on the program were students Marilyn Bentley and Patty Jane Montgomery.
Dec. 11, 1956 —The Belk-Hudson Christmas party was held tonight at the American Legion home. Ernest Maddox, the store manager, hosted this event.
Dec. 12, 1956 —Out-of-town Christmas cards should be mailed immediately, Postmaster John Cooper emphasized today.
Dec. 13, 1956 —The Falkville Home Demonstration Club is sponsoring an outdoor Christmas decoration contest for those who live in or near the Falkville city limits.
A prize of $7.50 will be awarded to the first-place winner.