A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Dec. 14, 1956 —Hartselle’s Tigers pulled the biggest upset of the fledgling basketball season at home last night by thumping Cullman 55-52. It was Hartselle’s first win in six starts. Jimmy Higdon led with 30 points.
Dec. 15, 1956 —A building site has been purchased and plans are being made to erect a new church building for West End Methodist. The church site is on St. Clair Street, a vacant lot north of West End Terrace housing project and was acquired from John T. Cooper for the nominal sum of $500. Rev. E. M. Barnes, Jr., is pastor of the church and conducts a regular ministry there in addition to his ministry at First Methodist.
Dec. 16, 1956 —A new traffic sign has been installed on the stoplight at the corner of Main and Sparkman. “Stop, turn right on red” is the wording, and it involves an experiment which, it is hoped, will speed up traffic at this busy corner. It means that when a driver comes to the stop on a red light, he should stop, but then he can start up again and make a right turn while the light is still red—provided that he checks to make sure the coast is clear.
Dec. 17, 1956 —MCHS athlete Billy Don Aldridge has finally been able to shed his crutches.
Dec. 18, 1956 —Hartselle’s eighth annual Kid’s Day was held this morning. Lloyd Logan of the local American Legion post is the general chairman of this very worthwhile event that helps numerous children each year to have a much happier Christmas than they would otherwise.
Dec. 18, 1956 —The MCTS choir entertained more than 90 children today at a Santa Claus party held at Mt. Pleasant CME Church.
Dec. 18, 1956—Mrs. Joe Speake read a delightful Christmas story, “Merry Christmas, Mr. Baxter,” at this afternoon’s meeting of the Rainbow Garden Club. After this, Mrs. Horace Broom entertained club members with her piano renditions of beautiful Christmas carols.
Dec. 19, 1956 —Virginia Ann Fitzgerald, a freshman at Florence State Teachers College, is recovering from a fall she suffered on campus yesterday, resulting in the breaking of her right leg.
Dec. 20, 1956 —Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock the huge Chamber of Commerce-sponsored “shower of gifts” drawing will be conducted in downtown Hartselle.
More than 50 merchants have donated one or more gifts, many quite costly, and shoppers may register at each store. The actual drawing for prizes will be done by Mayor John Burleson.