Time marches on for all
By Staff
Michelle Blaylock, Mom’s Corner
Happy New Year! Well, we’ve made it another year. As for me, I had three surgeries in four months this past fall and that gave me a little bit of time for thinking. OK, it gave me a lot of time for thinking.
One of the first things I realized as I was sitting in my bed recovering was that I am definitely getting older. I decided this while I was watching the “American Movie Classics” TV channel and I remembered when the movie they were showing was first released! Yep, you’re definitely getting older when you remember the first release of a “classic.” My husband said that he felt the same way when he realized “classic rock” was from his teenage years!
One night we were watching a show on the development of technology over the last 50 years or so. John and I began talking about things like Walkmans, first game systems like Atari and the first VCRs. One of my children looked at me and said, “Mom, you’re really that old?” Gee whiz, you’d think I remembered the first car!
One of my children’s friends asked about the age of someone we knew and John said he was younger than he (John) was. The child said, “OK, but you’re like very old so how old does that make him?” By the way, John is 46. Isn’t it amazing how relative things can be at 15 years old?
Of course, I remember a time that I thought 40 was old. You know now that I’m turning 40 this year, it really doesn’t seem as old as it used to. Imagine that!
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