A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Feb. 15, 1957–Luther Roberts, well-known Hartselle businessman, has opened a clothing store in Decatur at 222 2nd Avenue. Horace Roberts has bought the interest of his brother, Luther, in Roberts Bros. Department Store in Hartselle. Luther's store will also have a line of popular price family furnishings-clothing, shoes, and dry goods.
Feb. 16, 1957-Two powerful additions to the Army's expanding family of guided missiles were shown publicly for the first time today, drawing 10,000 spectators. Display of the LaCrosse and the Dart, along with the giant Redstone and other missiles, highlighted the fourth birthday of the Ordnance Guided Missile School at Redstone Arsenal, at which many Hartselle residents are employed.
Feb. 17, 1957-Groover Tractor Company was entered sometime last night along with some more break-ins including Dr. Kenneth Swafford's car and C. L. Orr's truck. Two flash cameras, one white wall tire, three pairs of ladies hose, and two pairs of ladies panties were stolen from the Groover business.
Feb. 18, 1957-The H. H. Anders Trading Post, located two miles southwest of Hartselle, reported today that some 10-20 new Goodyear automobile tires were stolen during a break-in last night at this business. In addition, approximately $70-$100 in cash was taken from a cigar box
Feb. 19, 1957-Gov. James E. Folsom's order for an 8.75 percent proration of funds for public schools and colleges due to a deficit in the special education trust fund will require a serious reduction in expenditures for maintenance, instructional and janitorial supplies, and services. It's not expected that teachers' salaries will have to be cut or schools closed early.
Feb. 20, 1957-The Rev. Robert R. Slack, Jr., pastor of the Danville Baptist Church, is the new associational missionary for Morgan County Missionary Baptists.
Feb. 21, 1957-Mayor John Burleson was expecting four representatives of the L &N Railroad to visit here today to discuss city proposals for improvements alongside and on railroad property. The city wants to convert the grassy park at both ends of the passenger depot into a paved car parking area.
Feb. 21, 1957-MCHS seniors sponsored a chili supper at First Methodist tonight to raise funds for their spring Washington trip.
Chili, crackers, drink, and dessert were available for 50 cents.