County seeks funds for high-risk roads
By Staff
Clif Knight, Hartselle Enquirer
The Morgan County Commission is seeking nearly $77,000 from a federal aid grant program to improve the safety of 11 rural roads. If approved, the money would be used to purchase materials needed to restripe centerlines and edgelines and replace centerline reflectors on 43 miles of “high risk” roads.
The application seeks 90/10 matching funds from the High Risk Rural Roads Program. Commissioners authorized County Engineer Greg Bodley to file the grant request at their regular meting on Tuesday.
The 11 roads earmarked are Johnson Chapel, Parker, Natural Bridge, Lawrence Cove, Gum Pond, Mt. Zion, Rescue, Talucah and Pine Ridge.
Bodley said the county will save about 40 percent by not contracting out the work. The savings should more than offset the l0 percent local match requirement.
The improvements will increase the visibility of the centerline and the edgeline of the roads and therefore make them safer for use by the motoring public, Bodley said.
The commission acted on other matters as follows: