Commission starting plans for building projects
By Staff
Clif Knight, Hartselle Enquirer
The Morgan County Commission is taking the first steps in the proposed construction of new, permanent facilities for the Morgan County Animal Shelter and Morgan County Department of Environmental Services. Both are presently located on the site of the District 2 shop in Hartselle.
At Monday’s adjourned meeting, the commission created two committees, each with seven members, to select an architect and authorize the chairman to sign a contract for development of plans for a new animal shelter and Morgan County Environmental Services building.
The animal shelter committee consists of Morgan County Engineer Greg Bodley, Animal Shelter Director Claudia Ray, Commission Chairman John Glasscock and all four district commissioners. The district commissioners also will serve on the Environmental Services building committee along with Bodley and Environmental Services Director Ricky Brooks.
The commissioners are looking at the Hartselle-Morgan County Industrial Park and the Priceville Wastewater Treatment Plant property as possible locations.
The commission acted on other matters as follows:
Adopted a resolution authorizing the chairman to execute the agreement of transportation planning process for the Decatur urbanized area between the counties of Morgan and Limestone and the municipalities of Decatur, Hartselle, Trinity, Priceville the North Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments, the Top of Alabama Regional Council of Governments and the State of Alabama.