A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
May 31, 1957-Several Hartselle area graduates were among the honorees today as Barbour County Circuit Judge George C. Wallace gave the commencement address at the Tennessee Valley Trade School. Judge Wallace is known as the father of the trade school movement because he introduced the bill calling for the establishment of these institutions in 1947. He is expected to be a leading candidate for governor next year.
May 31, 1957-Mrs. Alice Roberts, 78, Hartselle 2, died yesterday at Hartselle Hospital. Funeral services were today at Johnson Chapel where she had been a member for most of her life.
June 1, 1957-Currently in Miami Beach for the finals of the All-American Family Contest are Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Price and children. Mr. Price used to be the principal at MCHS but is now an assistant professor of humanities at Athens College. The Prices have five children ranging
in age from 3-14.
June 2, 1957-The Athens College baccalaureate service and graduation exercises were held today. Hartselle-area graduates include W. J. Alston, Ray Edwards, Mrs. Hoyle Hardwick, John Kirk and Thomas Simmons.
June 3, 1957-The recently graduated Class of ‘57 of MCHS has picked Betty Wagnon as the financial and Martha Lynn Roberts as the alumni secretary. They will serve permanently and take the leadership in organizing the reunions that the group plans to have.
June 4, 1957-Men who smoke cigarettes are 10 times more likely to succumb to lung cancer than nonsmokers, the American Cancer Society reported today. Smoking also increases the chances of fatal heart attacks by 70 per cent.
June 5, 1957-Clyde Key, 46, farmer of Hartselle 3, is very critically ill at Block-Chandler Hospital. Mr. Key is one of the most dedicated members of the Morgan County Singing Convention and has contributed his immense talents in gospel music not only in this area but in the state at-large as well.
June 5, 1957-Several Hartselle “future farmers” drove to Auburn today for the 28th state convention of the state FFA organization. Several of the delegates will compete in both the safe tractor driving and dairy cattle judging competitions.
June 6, 1957-Two area supermarkets are currently offering a free vacation trip to Havana, Cuba, aboard the S.S. Florida. The winning couple is promised that while in Havana they “will enjoy true Cuban hospitality” throughout their stay.