Time is best gift for dad
By Staff
Michelle Blaylock, Mom's Corner
Just in case you haven't heard, Father's Day is just a couple of Sundays away. As usual, we are inundated with commercials telling us what we should buy for our fathers and/or husbands. I want to remind you to just spend some time with them.
As I have shared before, when I was a young girl growing up is southeast Missouri, my daddy's father lived across the road – not street – road, as in gravel road from us. Since my mother worked outside the home and daddy farmed with Pop (my grandfather), I stayed with my grandmother. I can vaguely remember Pop telling stories from his days growing up in Texas. Although he only had the opportunity to attend school until third grade, he could read and write very well and could add a column of figures faster than the numbers could be put in a calculator. He was also ambidextrous. I can remember him doing something, like hammering, with one hand and when that hand tired he'd just switch hands and keep on going never missing a beat.
Daddy decided he didn't want to forget the stories Pop had shared with us over the years. The two of them made plans for a trip to Texas. They were going to visit as many places as possible where the actual events had occurred and daddy was going to video Pop recounting his memories. Daddy had decided that even if everything had changed, as it most certainly had in the intervening 50 some odd years, that they would still visit the place. Pop could explain how things looked when he had lived there.
Both Daddy and Pop were excited about the whole project. Daddy bought the newest photography equipment he could find. In fact, video cameras for home use had just begun to be produced. Daddy bought one, compared to what we have today that thing was huge! I can remember trying to use it when I was about 12 and it was so heavy I could barely lift it and keep it on my shoulder for even a few minutes. Daddy also purchased the best microphone he could find and the best still shot camera he could get.
Since Pop and Daddy farmed together they knew that they wouldn't be able to do this project until after harvest.
However, preparations began in spring with the purchase of the equipment. As the summer began to pass, Pop and daddy worked out a list of places they wanted to visit. Unfortunately, Pop passed away during the Summer.
My point is don't procrastinate. I believe one of the greatest gifts you can give to someone is your time and attention.
No one else can give it, only you. I want to encourage you to record your memories in some way for your children and grandchildren. It will be priceless to them.
Most of all, give the gift of your time. It is a gift unique to you, no one else can give the same gift. I hope you have a happy Father's Day.
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