A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
June 14, 1957-A major order for ammo boxes is about half completed on the production line at Baker Manufacturing Co., according to Ray Baker, plant owner. About 75 men are currently working on the order for 150,000 anti-personnel mine boxes for Remington-Rand’s ordnance plant at Shreveport, La.
June 15, 1957-Florida’s glamorous new hotel, the Sarasota Terrace, is currently offering its luxurious rooms for only $24.00 for seven days, according to an ad in a recent issue of the Enquirer.
June 16, 1957-A brand new $100,000 armory will be the headquarters of the Hartselle National Guard upon their return from summer camp. There are 131 men in the Hartselle Guard contingent of the 1343rd Engineering Battalion and Pete McCutcheon is the unit commander.
June 17, 1957-Hartselle attorney
Grady Long was inaugurated as the new president of the Civitan Club of Hartselle for the coming year tonight at Smith’s Restaurant. Long will be assisted by Jimmy Little, vice president; Charles Rowe, secretary; and Earnest Ray, treasurer. Edward Summers was the president last year.
June 18, 1957-J. O. “Chin” Blizzard, Hartselle agent for the State Farm Insurance Co., is currently in Miami as a result of an all-expense paid trip he won recently for outstanding performance with the company. Mrs. Blizzard and daughter Ann were also able to go on the trip.
June 19, 1957-Major league baseball has never generated more interest in Hartselle than now.
One of the most talked about players is the Yankees’ Mickey Mantle who is currently batting .371, first in the American League.
He also leads with 57 runs and 19 homeruns.
June 20, 1957-Families of Hartselle Air Force recruits stationed at Lackland AFB in San Antonio have been hearing distressing reports of alleged abuse. A full-scale congressional investigation is now planned to examine all training procedures used at Lackland.
June 20, 1957-Hartselle evangelist Junior Hill had as his topic, “When God Shut the Door,” at the Decatur crusade for Christ service at the city armory. Jack Freeman, former Red Raider football standout, is leading the singing.