Your Opinons
By Staff
Letters to the Editor
Spring giveaway a huge success
We would like to thank everyone who had a part in making our annual Spring Giveaway such a success.
We met so many wonderful people and had a great time getting acquainted with people from not only around Hartselle and Morgan County but from as far away as Double Springs.
We enjoyed food together, watched the children play games for prizes and even got a laugh out of watching some of the adult children trying out the hula hoops. We certainly believe that a “merry heart does good like medicine.”
We would like to congratulate the winner of our $25 Wal-Mart gift certificate, Sheila White from Danville.
May God richly bless you abundantly and if you don’t have a church home please come visit with us.
Faith Chapel Praise Center Church Family
Send your thoughts to P.O. Box 929, Hartselle, AL 35640
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