A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
July 14, 1957-A delegation from the Hartselle John F. Thompson American Legion Post drove to Montgomery this morning for the group's annual convention that is now beginning in the capital city. Senator John Sparkman, a Hartselle native, and Georgia Senator Herman Talmadge will be the featured speakers.
July 15, 1957-Bud Abbot and Lou Costello-the funnymen who broke up audiences with the classic and confounding discussion of "who's on first?"-have broken up themselves There was no fight involved in the split, Lou said. It's just that Abbot is aging-he's 61 now, 10 years older than Lou-and wants to get out of the act and spend his time racing thoroughbred horses. Abbot and Costello movies have regularly packed Hartselle's Strand Theatre.
July 15, 1957-Leonard Wallace is ill at his home and will be unable to go to work for several days.
July 16, 1957-That numerous local residents are very upset with paving work recently done on their streets was obvious at a contentious meeting of the Hartselle city council tonight. The delegation of unhappy citizens was headed by Prentice Howell, a Redstone Arsenal employee, and included people from Woodland Drive, Oak Lane, and Vaughan, Speegle, Pine, Pattillo, Morrow, Hammett, Corsbie, College, Chestnut, and Cedar Streets. Residents were assessed heavily for the pavement which has many chuck holes and drains poorly.
July 17, 1957-Postmaster Hugh F. Penn handed out safety awards to William M. Cost, Jr., Harvey C. Pickens, and Earnest D. Ray this week in recognition of very careful driving. Cost has a perfect safe-driving record of 19 accident-free years.
July 18, 1957-A local grocery store is currently offering the following items: large lettuce (with free bottle of dressing), 19 cents; grapefruit, 5 cents; yellow onions, 2 pounds for 9 cents; and 2 cans of possum sardines, 19 cents.
July 18, 1957-Falkville native and long-time dentist Dr. Louis Neill died at age 88 this afternoon at his home in Decatur. Dr. Neill was born only a few years after the Civil War, on June 3, 1869.