A new pet peeve
By Staff
Michelle Blaylock, Mom's Corner
This week I have to voice a new pet peeve. It all started when we were watching a movie considered a "family" movie on TV. The movie was "family" oriented alright, but the commercials were not! Some of the commercials fall under "TMI" (Too Much Information).
For example, those commercials about "erectile dysfunction." I really don't think my girls that are 8, 11, and 12 years old really need to know about "E.D."
I realize this is a serious problem for some, but whatever happened to discretion? Another one along the same line is the commercial for "natural male enhancement." I don't relish the idea of explaining what's being enhanced to my young daughters. (In fact, that one qualifies for WTMI – Way Too Much Information.)
Or how about the commercials for "herpes?" I'm really happy that people who suffer from this disease have new more effective treatment options, but does it really need to be advertised during a family movie, like "The Pacifier?"
Honestly, do the manufacturers of these medications think doctors are too stupid to tell their patients about new treatment options? I'm all for being a responsible patient, but I also trust my doctors to know about the new medications on the market.
Have you ever noticed the number of drug representatives that frequent doctor's offices? I was in one doctor's office one day for a period of less than a hour and saw three drug representatives waiting to speak with the doctor. The drug representatives aren't there passing out aspirin! They are there to keep the doctor up to date on new medications on the market.
I also find many of the commercials advertising those monthly protection items we women need embarrassing. How stupid do the manufacturers think we are? I can walk into the isle in the store a read a package to tell me how absorbent a product is.
I also have a problem with commercials that advertise shows or movies using the most graphic scenes allowed on public television. In all honesty, some of those commercials shouldn't be allowed until late a night, just like the shows and movies they are advertising.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude. I'm all for telling children about the birds and the bees, but I would appreciate being able to do it in my own way and at an age appropriate time.
I don't mind screening movies. I don't mind screening television shows, but having to screen the commercials is just too much!
I've always said, "If you don't like a show, then use the 'off' button on your television." I do just that and make no apologies for not letting my children watch some television programs.
Don't get me wrong. I am not "anti-television." In fact, I love TV. According to my husband, I watch too much TV. However, I could seriously live without some of the commercials.
Since I seriously doubt the producers of these commercials will change just because I'm unhappy, I guess I will just have to stay close to the "mute" button on the remote.
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