Local students named to Honor Roll
By Staff
Several local students were recently named to the National Honor Roll in recognition of their academic and extra curricular activities. Honored students are:
Brewer High School – Matthew Bazzel, Miranda Betterton, Elizabeth Bromiski, Nathan Brooks, Latashia Campbell, Rainey Day, Cory Dunaway, Kovannia Dunn, Misty Eden, Travis Green, Garrett Holmes, Elizabeth Keener, Karissa Legg, Austin Lenox, Bethany McGee, Joshua Miller, Tyler Parker, Misty Peden, Sara Morales, Danielle Scharwarth, Marissa Smith, Ben Thomas and Laura Thomas.
Priceville High School – Vickie Morales, Joshua Powell and Elizabeth Reid.
Danville High School – Alexandria Naylor, Trent Potter, Christopher Ray, Jessica Terrell, Laney Tolley, Joshua Bradford, Kimberly Callahan, Emily Ziegler, Chelsea Gray, Jonathan Koen, Joshua Koen and Kory Hawkins.
Hartselle High – Meagan Griffin, Katie Kohienberg, Mallory Martin, Deborah Nichols, Josh Orr, Whitney Owens, Christy Prouillard, Meagan Sides, Allison Slage, Audrey Smith, Lindsey Smith, Megan Summerford, Skylar Tapscott, Tyler Terry, Dana Watson, Kristan Burgess, Shannon Coots, Courtney Corley, Jordan Garrison, Leslie Grammer, Aron Grandstaff, Meagan Griffin, Katie Kohienberg and Mallory Martin. Falkville High – Blake Wilhite.