Back to school tips
By Staff
Teens face back to school stress too
Your teen may act "too cool for school," but the truth is that school is a major source of stress for teens.
According to a survey by of over 600 teens ages 14 to 17, schoolwork (32 percent), social issues (30 percent) and appearance (25 percent) topped the list of back-to-school worries most cited by teens. Though these issues are complex, there are steps you can take to reduce your child's (and your own) stress level and enjoy a new start.
The start of the school year marks a time of new subjects, new teachers, and often, different classmates. Transitioning into a new school can be especially difficult. Manage the transition by attacking stressors head on.
First Day Jitters
Create a Sensible Pace
Back to School Fashion
Your Support Counts
Even if your "too cool" teen doesn't show it, knowing they have your support makes all the difference.