Schools off to good start
By Staff
Clif Knight, Hartselle Enquirer
Hartselle City Schools got off to a smooth start last week in spite of a persistent heat wave that caused temperatures to soar above the 100-degree mark, according to Superintendent Dr. Mike Reed.
Enrollment figures combined changed little from what they were at the same time a year ago. The number of students counted at all five schools was 3,067, or four less than the 3,071 reported on the first school day in 2006. There were some notable changes in the figures reported by the respective schools, however. Burleson Elementary's enrollment jumped to 432, an increase of 21 over the prior year. Crestline Elementary was down by 21 students, from 581 to 560, while Barkley Bridge gained two students, from 445 to 447. Hartselle Junior High had a gain of 12 students, from 733 to 754, while Hartselle High lost 18, from 901 to 883.
As a precautionary measure to prevent heat exhaustion, school principals and Bob Young, athletic director, were asked to closely monitor students participating in physical education classes and athletics, Reed said.
"It's terribly hot and we're concerned about students getting too hot either outdoors or in buildings that aren't air conditioned. We asked that they have easy access to plenty of liquids."
Reed said the first day enrollment was about what he expected.
"You can't get a good picture of what enrollment is going to be at the end of the year based on what it is on the first day," Reed said. "It's customary for the numbers to fluctuate up and down during the first few days of classes. We'll have a better idea of what to expect after the Labor Day weekend."
Reed credited the smooth start of a new school term in large part to the careful planning and preparations of each school faculty and the support they receive from parents and students.