Hampton named to UA Forum
By Staff
Ali Hampton, a recent graduate of Hartselle High School and freshman at the University of Alabama, was recently selected for Freshman Forum. The Freshman Forum is a year-long, highly selective program for incoming freshman, organized by the Office of Student Affairs at The University of Alabama. Freshman Forum's main purposes are to enhance the leadership skills of its members and to promote a culture of campus engagement among all freshmen. During the year, Forum participants are provided with substantial community service opportunities and are expected to develop new initiatives to engage additional freshmen in campus life. Hampton is also a member of the University of Alabama Social Sorority Gamma Phi Beta. She is the daughter of Mark and RaJane Hampton of Hartselle and the granddaughter of Alberta and the late EO Hampton of Hartselle, Linda Tringas of Hartselle and Ray and Cindy Chadwick of Hamilton.