Applications accepted for holiday help
By Staff
Applications for Christmas assistance are being accepted by the Salvation Army. Assistance is being offered to low income families with food for Christmas dinner and/or toys for children ages 12 and younger. Applications may include couples, single heads of households and senior citizens.
Applications will be accepted Monday through Friday Nov. 5-9 from 9 a.m.-noon at the Salvation Army, located at 114 14th Street in Decatur. Use the gym entrance.
Applications must be made in person by the head of household or spouse. One application per dwelling will be accepted and will include all residents in the house. Personal identification (ST card, drivers license, green card or tax identification number if you are not a citizen) must be presented. Verification of birthdates for all children must be presented with original birth certificate (no copies).
Applicants must also provide current rent and utility bill, proof of property taxes for any land owned, current rent and utility bill and a phone number where applicant can be reached.
Verification for all household income must be provided with a check stub from any job and information on any public assistance. No applications will be taken over the phone and children are not allowed in the gymnasium.
This is the last signup of the year and there is no late list.