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By Staff
Caring Day supporters thanked
I would like to thank the residents of Hartselle for generously participating in our 8th annual Caring Day. The City of Hartselle will collect over 5,000 canned goods. Our current total is 4, 987, and we have two bins still out until November 20. Sixty-four turkeys and one ham were donated by our merchants and purchased with money donated by civic clubs and churches. A very special thank you goes out to Mayor Tankersley for supporting this event. I want to say thank you to Jeff Lancaster, manager of Kroger, for working with us to purchase the turkeys. I also want to say a big thank you to Hartselle residents. All of your efforts will make sure that needy families and individuals in this area will have a meal for Thanksgiving. All of this would not have been possible without your help.
I would also like to thank the people that volunteered this year to make this event a success. Bill Smelser, Byron Turney, Chris Orr, Harley Hop, Mike Buttram, Derrick Woodall, and Jeremy Griffith all worked to make sure that all the canned foods were collected and taken to the Caring Place. Diana Sparkman and Nance Phelps from Hartselle Beautification Association helped to collect the turkeys from the merchants. Students of Crestline School, Barkley Bridge, Burleson and the Junior High School came through for us again. Michael Swistek with Allied Waste Services, Carolyn Wallace with Hartselle Beautification, Virginia Alexander with the Caring Place, Staci McCormick with the City of Hartselle and Betty Parker helped to organize the project. Thank you all for your help.
Susan Seibert
Administrative Clerk
Department of Development.
City of Hartselle
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