Merchants group to expand membership
By Staff
Clif Knight, Hartselle Enquirer
A Hartselle Merchants Association with strong leadership and support from the entire business community has a better chance of being successful than a smaller organization representing only merchants in the downtown business district. That was the decision at a second meeting of downtown merchants on Dec. 4.
Consequently, a third meeting was scheduled for Jan. 10, 2008, with all of the city’s business owners and managers invited to attend. Its purpose will be to elect a slate of officers and set in motion a process of developing a mission statement, setting goals and objectives, adopting bylaws and appointing committee chairpersons.
Deanne Fox, acting spokesperson, called on the 15 business representatives present to help get word of the meeting out by calling friends and neighbors who own businesses in town and inviting them to come.
The group began to turn its focus on the entire business community during a discussion of promotional maps and brochures.
Fox said a downtown business owner who has graphic arts skills has agreed to design a new Hartselle brochure on computer and provide copies for the cost of ink and paper.
When questions were raised about what businesses should be included as a part of the map several of those present indicated they felt every business in town should be included regardless of their location.
Carey Green, a newcomer businessman, said the city’s brochures should be placed at hotels, motels and welcome centers in North Alabama. “That can be accomplished through the Alabama Mountain Lakes Association for the cost of an annual membership,” he said.
He added, “Coming together to talk about maps and advertising is a start but it is only a small part of the whole picture. “We need officers to provide leadership and committees to coordinate projects; we need vision and mission statements, bylaws and membership support.”
Fox thanked the merchants who took money out of their own pockets and spent time rebulbing the city’s snowflake Christmas ornaments said she has learned the ornaments will not be used. Instead, unlighted Christmas tree decorations will be installed on Main Street.