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Letters to the Editor
Writer hopes city takes right path
I moved from Hartselle in 1980, at 15 years old. I have stayed informed of my hometown through your online paper, reading every story I could. I miss Hartselle very much, and often wish my family had never moved. My reason for writing now, after all these years, is the letters I see from time to time concerning Hartselle not growing fast enough. I understand the frustration, but there is another side to the "progress" story. I live in Auburn, Alabama now with my wife and two children. Auburn is in the middle of two car plants, Hyundia in Montgomery and the new Kia plant in West Point. All of the auto suppliers are now dropping anchor in our little college town. If you need to go somewhere, leave early. Cement trucks, tractors and dump trucks conspire to make you late on every road, roads never meant to carry the huge flow of traffic they must carry now. Want to buy a home? Get ready to drop $200,000 or more on a "fixer-upper". The cost of everything here is outrageous. But shopping and jobs are in abundance. Community is not. Almost everyone we knew here have moved away, replaced with strangers we have nothing in common with, not even our accents. The value of Hartselle will never be found in industrial parks and strip malls, the value lies in the community that to this day holds a place in my memory as the best place in the world to live and raise kids. Surely a balance exists between total progress and stagnation. I pray Hartselle finds that balance, Auburn has not.
Nickie Greer
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