Living with a super packer is interesting
By Staff
Leada Gore, Editor
Centuries ago, back when Noah was trying to squeeze all those animals on the ark and wondering where he was going to fit those two elephants, I am pretty certain there was someone like my husband around to help.
Noah listened and, sure enough, he was able to squeeze every last flea, cat and elephant in the ark.
Living with a super packer can be trying. There’s always the comments when we head on vacation and he has to load my four suitcases to his one small duffel bag.
I always explain to him that women’s clothes take up more room than men’s clothes, being that there’s more variety and choices.
Somehow, Greg always manages to squeeze all my bags in the car. A super packer can solve anything.
Super packer was in full force this last weekend as we put up our Christmas decorations. We each had a certain area we were responsible for – I had downstairs and he had upstairs. I don’t think it’s coincidence his area contained the tree with the most ornaments, most of which have small boxes in which they belong.
For my part, I grabbed things, found a box for them and tucked them away. It wasn’t organized and wasn’t even necessarily neat, but it was done.
I put my packed boxes in the hall and waited for the comments.
I went upstairs and saw his handiwork. Each ornament was carefully packed back into its original box. None of the lids were torn because someone didn’t have the patience to open them correctly (a hallmark of mine) and all the small boxes were in carefully labeled larger containers. These containers had been expertly stacked in the attic. It was neat, organized and, amazingly enough, accessible. “You can put my stuff in the garage,” I said. “I wouldn’t want it to contaminate your stuff.”
I hope our daughter gets Greg’s packing skills. I guess we will soon find out. Her Mimi gave her a small purple suitcase for Christmas.
And as much as I hate to admit it, Super Packer is right.