Sweet Home Alabama
By Staff
How well do you know your home state? Take this quiz and find out!
1. When was Alabama’s great seal adopted?
2. What does Alabama’s flag look like?
3. What’s our state bird?
4. What’s our state song?
5. What’s our state motto?
6. What’s our state tree?
7. What’s our state amphibian?
8. What’s our state fruit?
9. What’s our state spirit (liquor?)
10. What’s our state mammal?
11. What’s our state tree fruit?
12. What’s our state saltwater fish?
13. What’s our state flower?
14. What’s our state mineral?
15. What’s our state rock?
16. What’s our state horse?
17. What’s our state freshwater fish?
18. What’s our state game bird?
19. What’s our official American Folk Dance?
20. What’s our state nut?
21. What’s our state fossil?
22. What’s our official mascot?
23. What’s our official state butterfly?
24. What’s our state reptile?
25. What’s our state gemstone?
26. What’s our state shell?
27. What’s our official State Barbecue Championship?
28. What’s our official Horseshoe Tournament?
29. What’s our official State Historic Theater?
30. What’s out official State Quilt?
1. The great seal featuring the major rivers in the state was adopted in 1876.
2. The Crimson Cross of St. Andrew and a white field were adopted in 1895.
3. Yellowhammer
4. “Alabama”
5. “We Dare Maintain Our Rights” adopted in 1939
6. Southern Longleaf Pine
7. Red Hills Salamander
8. Blackberry
9. Conecuh Ridge Alabama Firewhiskey
10. Black Bear
11. Peach
12. Fighting tarpon
13. Camellia
14. Hematite (red iron ore)
15. Marble
16. Racking horse
17. Largemouth bass
18. Wild turkey
19. Square dance
20. Pecan
21. Basilosaurus cetoids
22. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
23. Monarch Butterfly
24. Alabama Redbellied Turtle
25. Star Blue Quartz
26. Scaphella junonia johnstoneae
27. The Demopolic Christmas on the River Tounament
28. Stockton Fall Horseshoe Tournament
29. Alabama Theater for the Performing Arts
30. Pine Burr Quilt