A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Jan. 31, 1958-County Solicitor Ralph Slate qualified for another term today. Slate graduated from MCHS and UA and is a veteran of both World War II and the Korean conflict.
Jan. 31, 1958-S. M. Dollar recently compiled a history of the school bus system in this county. It began with horse-drawn wagons. Next came Ford Model Ts. The county started its own bus system in 1935 with the purchase of three vehicles. It now runs 75 buses daily.
Feb. 1, 1958-Austinville edged MCHS 57-56 to take the Morgan County senior basketball tournament championship. Interest in the game was so great that there wasn’t even any standing room left in the Decatur High gym at tip-off time.
Feb. 1, 1958-The much beloved Methodist minister, Rev. Frank L. Aldridge, died today at Block-Chandler Hospital. Rev. Aldridge served for 50 years as a minister and spent much of his time outside the pulpit in Scout work.
Feb. 2, 1958-Patsy Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Alexander, has been selected as the “sweetheart” of the MCHS FFA.
Feb. 2, 1958-Louise Margaret Livingston and Patrick Scott Stone are engaged to be married. The announcement was made by their parents.
Feb. 3, 1958-Interest rates are currently too high and the Eisenhower Administration is to blame. This is the opinion of U.S. Senator John Sparkman as expressed in a speech in Dallas today. The Hartselle native lambasted Republicans for their tight money policies.
Feb. 3, 1958-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boger, Hartselle 2, are the proud parents of a baby boy born today at Decatur’s Baugh-Wiley-Smith Clinic.
Feb. 3, 1958-Rev. W. P. Maxwell, chairman of the Hartselle Library Committee, spoke to the Civitan Club tonight. More than 5,000 books will be available to local patrons if a branch of the Wheeler Basin Regional Library is established here.
Feb. 4, 1958-Alabama’s highway death toll went down by 6 percent last year. Governor James Folsom today heaped praise on newspapers, TV, and radio for encouraging safe driving.
Feb. 4, 1958-A Hartselle taxi driver was found guilty of a VPL offense in mayor’s court this morning. He was set back $50 for delivering wildcat whiskey to a thirsty local customer.
Feb. 5, 1958-Eddie Cain of Priceville is the new president of the Morgan County Junior Cattlemen’s Association.
Feb. 6, 1958-Charles Rutledge is proving to be a very able successor to L. T. Wagnon as the new farm agent here in Morgan County. Harry Houston is assistant agent.