A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Feb. 21, 1958-Hartselle and Morgan County students had to go to school today (Saturday) to make up for time lost earlier in the week when roads were impassable due to heavy snow.
Feb. 22, 1958-J. B. Warren, a Hartselle resident who teaches at Danville High School, is a nominee in a Birmingham newspaper’s favorite teacher contest.
Feb. 23, 1958-In order to run as Democrats in this year’s elections prospective candidates must swear that they didn’t vote for Ike or any other GOP candidate in 1956. They also have to take an oath that they will support all Democratic nominees this year, i.e., the “yellow dog Democrat” pledge.
Feb. 24, 1958—Morgan County sheriff’s deputies had little to do over the weekend-just arrested a few guys for public drunkenness (in this “dry” county).
Feb. 24, 1958-Everyone in Hartselle seems to be talking about the Kinsey report on female sexuality, a preliminary portion of which was issued today. One of the findings is that one in 10 American women is pregnant at the time she gets married. Even though it is illegal, the great majority of women have an abortion if they are unable to marry.
Feb. 24, 1958-Many Morgan County residents were in Cullman today to participate in the open house at the new King Edward cigar plant which is said to be the best in the world. It is capable of producing 1,000,000 cigars per day.
Feb. 25, 1958-In a current ad, William France, the president of the new “NASCAR” auto racing group, says that Pure gasoline was the main factor in 17 new records being set at recent Daytona Beach events. NASCAR is already promoting competitive events from Minnesota to Florida.
Feb. 26, 1958—Morgan County schools will get nearly $29,000 from the federal government this year due to the fact that so many students have parents who work at federal installations such as Redstone. This applies to about 600 kids in the county.
Feb. 27, 1958-The Bowline Drive-in Theatre will be packed with cars tonight. The first area showing of “Peyton Place” has been awaited a long time. The film version of Grace Metalius’s best-selling novel has been nominated for nine Academy Awards. The management of the theatre warns that the movie is for adult and young mature entertainment.
Feb. 27, 1958-Decatur beat MCHS 55-52 in the semi-finals of the eighth district basketball tournament. A fight broke out when Decatur continued to play (and scored) despite the fact that the clock showed the third quarter had ended. James Ledbetter was the leading Tiger scorer with 22 points.