A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
March 6, 1958-Telephone calls being made by Hartselle residents are not being completed successfully in many instances. The main reason is that dialers are failing to use “S” and “P” before dialing the five digits in their party’s number.
March 6, 1958-Danville High School has been re-accredited by the State Department of Education. Teacher workloads have been reduced and the number of school library books raised to five per student.
March 7, 1958-Numerous local supporters as well as potential backers tuned into either WMSL-TV or radio tonight to hear a speech by gubernatorial candidate Judge George C. Wallace.
Judge Wallace is stressing education and industrial development in his campaign. He is urging moderation on racial issues.
March 7, 1958-The Hartselle Civitan Club is giving the 63 pounds of fruitcake it has left over from the Christmas sale to the TB sanitarium at Flint. Dick Stoner is the newest member of the club.
March 8, 1958-The Morgan County Democratic Committees is telling representatives of local beats that they should have only one rally prior to the May 6 primary. These rallies are big moneymakers for rural communities.
March 8, 1958-Local dry cleaner Robert Street is a candidate for the Morgan County Board of Education. Street operates Nu-Way Cleaners and he and his wife Wilda have one 11-year-old son.
March 9,1958—A birthday party for little Edith Aldridge was held today at Hartselle Hospital. The young girl was badly burned in a fire recently at the family home in the Woodland Mills community near Cotaco. Hartselle’s Bethel Baptist Church was primarily responsible for today’s bedside party.
March 9, 1958-The gas tax produced more revenue for Alabama last year than ever before.
March 10, 1958-Tommy Dodson won the oratorical concert sponsored during the past several weeks by the Hartselle Civitan Club.
March 10, 1958-Prominent Hartselle builders J. L. Kyle and M. M. Patterson have new residential projects in progress. Kyle is constructing a house on North Railroad while Patterson is building on Cedar Street. Each is valued at about $8,500.
March 11, 1958-When motorists buy their auto tags this fall they will find that they are reflectorized.
Governor Folsom has ordered that Kilby prisoners begin making tags visible at night.
March 12, 1958-PFC Otis Malone, a recent graduate of Morgan County Training School, is now stationed in Korea following basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C.