Enquirer welcomes new columnist
By Staff
Beth Chapman, Guest Columnist
After having written for the Shelby County Reporter for more than seven years, (some of that under the direction of Managing Editor Leada DeVaney Gore), I took a sabbatical over a year ago when I officially became a candidate for Secretary of State. Since winning that office and completing my first year, I have missed writing and have now been given the opportunity and the privilege by Leada and others to be a weekly columnist. To say that I am honored would be a vast understatement. Writing is a passion and a hobby for me. I have never considered it work but rather pleasure and enjoyment.
There is so much to write about in the near future: the presidential elections, county happenings, life experiences . . . anything but Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears. For some strange reason I do not think the average reader much cares about the lives of those two infamous stars. If so, then grab a National Enquirer or watch the nightly news because that is about all you will hear and see. You may not be informed about the hurricanes, snowstorms, the war in Iraq or the stock market but rest assured they will keep you totally informed with regard to Paris and Brittany.
What is most important to me is that I write about things of interest to you. There are many ideas for articles that I already have, but I want your input too. Nonprofit organizations please send me information about programs you are having or give me a heads up on future fundraising events so I can share them with our readers across the county. If you receive major grants or have new board members - any special initiatives please let me know personally. Your opinions count too. What are the hot topics you want discussed?
Moms and Dads notify me if your child wins a special award or has a unique talent they are sharing with others. Human interest stories are always well received. While you are at it, if you know how to raise two teenage boys please include an instruction manual for that too. My husband James and I could use the help.
Technology is a good thing. Please send me emails at bethchapman@bellsouth.net. I would love to hear from you.
I look forward to hearing from you and writing for you, too.