Your Opinions
By Staff
Voters say no, now what?
The smoke of battle has now cleared and Hartselle has spoken loud and clear, “Higher property taxes are unacceptable!” However, with few if any exception, we all understand and agree, Hartselle, needs, deserves and unilaterally seeks a bigger, better school system. The challenge then becomes, how do we, as a unified team with a single purpose, achieve this goal expeditiously and economically?
The first step should be to select a “single purpose” leader with no political objectives to head a select group (School Building Committee) of non-politically aligned citizens who unanimously agree no potentially available equitable source of revenue is too remote or too untouchable to achieve our objective. The appointed group would then, in association with existing major Hartselle entities: review every potential solution and develop realistic plans, schedules and policies for project implementation and administration, including necessary initial, interim and final control and responsibility for achievement of our collective goals and the uniformly and lasting conduct of our city with pride for all. Note: The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. It must be done in steps. Panic is not permissible. If there is not enough time to do it correctly, there certainly is not enough time to do it over!
James L. Nix