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Letters to the Editor
Other players were important, too
I would like to correct some errors in a section of the Enquirer on March 27. The section was Progress 2008, Hardwood All-American. It was overall a very good article about Vickie Orr.
In a quote from Coach Reeves, he said Tanya Lybarger and Beth Reed did a good job breaking Haleyville’s full court press. The starting guards were Beth Reed and Amanda Reynolds. They ran Shelly Pyle to the point of exhaustion by halftime. It was these two who broke the press. The other starters were Vickie at center. Tabatha Yates at forward and Jennifer Maples at the other forward position. Tanya was not a guard and usually substituted for Jennifer or Tabatha. She was as excellent basketball player and I don’t want to take anything away from her. If she played in the game against Haleyville, it was at forward. Amanda played Shelly man to man and effectively shut down her high-powered offense. Coach Reeves told me, after he reviewed the game film, that Amanda won the game by hitting her foul shots in the fourth quarter.
Coach Myers, who has taken several boys teams to the state championship and was coaching girls in Huntsville at a school, said after seeing them play (Beth and Amanda) they were the two best guards in the state.
So, I think credit should be given where it is due.
Dwain Reynolds
All our
veterans deserve help
As a disabled military retiree, I am concerned. For some time now, you, our Congress has not paid enough attention to the “people’s business” and I for one am tired of it. We have sitting members of the House and Senate who are drawing full pay and allowances, while traveling across the country campaigning to keep their power in the November election. Who is paying attention to the needs of the people who elected them?
Funds set aside for the earned entitlement programs for our military retirees are being gutted and shifted from current disabled veterans to the War on Terror.
It can only get worse when 77 million baby boomers age 65 in the next 20 years and all the bureaucratic government policies and programs the Congress has created run out of funds.
The priorities for funding then will be: (1) Congressional unique health care and retirement programs, (2) then will come all the government bureaucrats retirement and healthcare entitlements, (3) the “pork barrel” earmark programs, (4) funding all the current bureaucracies, policies, agencies and programs, and finally (5) National Defense, so by the time it comes to veterans, military retirees and our widows, there will be not much left.
The Congress tried to get pay restoration right in 2001, but got bogged down with bureaucrats more concerned about starting new programs than about disabled military retirees receiving their fully earned retirement, especially retirees from “ancient wars” like the Persian Gulf, Vietnam, Korea and World War 2.
Please support HR 333 and S Amdt 4162 to S Con Res 70.
Gene Aittala
CPO, USN Retired
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