Your opinions
By Staff
School fund should be established
In response to the recent letter by James Nix dated 4/3/2008 and titled “Voters say no, now what?”
A voluntary fund to collect some if not all of the capital needed for a “bigger, better school system” would be a good proactive approach to the “now what?” question. Funding is paramount – without it little can be done – and voluntary funding is the right way to go. It doesn’t have to be higher taxes or no “bigger, better school system” like our local governments wish to portray. This would also help to render moot the necessity for higher taxes since there would be a funding option already available.
This “need” is a great tool that can be used by our local government to convince us to vote ourselves higher taxes, as evidenced by the recent campaign to do just that. If we could take this tool away it would be harder to trick us – you know they will try again in the future.
This could also tap into the over 1,400 “yes” voters’ wish to provide more funding. I am sure they would be happy to give to such a fund since they felt it was important enough to force their neighbors to provide such funding (not an easy decision, I am sure). “No” voters could also give if they wish – I know I would.
If anyone wishes to discuss this community opportunity more please contact me using the information in my signature below. Together we can all work toward a common goal without the use of confiscatory and compulsory government behavior. What a shining example this would be to our posterity and to the world.
Jonny Letson
517 Mountainview Rd. NE
Hartselle, Alabama 35640
256-603-2824 – cell
256-751-1674 – home
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