A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
April 24, 1958-It will be more convenient for area residents to get a University of Alabama education in the future than it has previously. The school’s board of trustees has voted to establish a permanent extension center in Huntsville. A temporary center opened in 1950 with only a handful of students but by now there are nearly a thousand taking several UA classes in the Rocket City.
April 24, 1958-Two arrests have been made in connection with the recent string of robberies here. One of the youths is 13, the other 19. Both of the boys, along with the father of one of them who is charged with concealing stolen property, are now in the Morgan County jail.
April 25, 1958-Mrs. Clark Rountree was buried this morning at the Hartselle city cemetery. Mrs. Rountree, who passed away on Wednesday, was related through her husband to one of this community’s founding families.
April 25, 1958-The Cotaco junior class presented the play, “Come Out of the Closet,” in the gym tonight. Special music was provided by Dave Anderson and his orchestra.
April 26, 1958-The Hartselle Chamber of Commerce now has an office and a secretary. The office is located in the lobby of the municipal building and secretarial duties are being handled by Mrs. Joe Dennison. Enquirer editor and publisher Jack Hoffhaus is the current Chamber president
April 27, 1958-Hartselle Chevy dealer Bill Stewart is currently in Biloxi, Miss., for the annual convention of the Automobile Dealers of Alabama. Dealers are concerned that they averaged a profit of only 0.7 percent on each car sold last year.
April 28, 1958-Hartselle residents who will serve as poll workers in the upcoming Democratic primary include Nell Burleson, Madlyn Sherrill, John Burleson, S. F. Orr, Maggie Griffith, Ruth Groover, Esther Cain, Wesley Curry, B. F. Bean, Launa Pattillo, Flora Allen, Phil Orr, Stewart Thompson, Coleman Holmes, Birdie Boteler, Lazelle Stewart, J. H. Cain, and S. E. Gibson.
April 29, 1958-Funeral services were conducted this afternoon at Union Hill church for Tom Woodard. Mr. Woodard was a salesman at H. Ryan furniture for many years. He was the brother of Cullman merchant M. H. Woodard and was noted for his gospel singing and piano playing abilities.
April 30, 1958-Local residents planning to travel by plane may be able to depart from Decatur in the relatively near future. Service from Pryor Field is being seriously considered by the Civil Aeronautics Board.
April 30, 1958-The Falkville water tank is currently being repainted. Citizens are advised that if water at times is discolored there is no public health danger at all.