Letter to the Editor
By Staff
Writer responds
I did not know Ms. Halbrooks or Ms. Free were witnesses of what took place!
They can state that we were given a ticket for going 50 mph in a 45 mph zone.
But the bigger issue is the fact that we drove all of Highway 55, to Eva and then drove to Mt. Zion and Thompson Road and found no signs stating that any of these roads were in Falkville’s police zone. This is the area where my son and granddaughter were given tickets by the Falkville Police Department.
Jimmie Clemons
Falkville doesn’t need ticket money
I am writing concerning the letter Jimmie Clemons wrote to the editor in the April 24 issue. I have lived in Falkville since 1959 and we that live here think we have a pretty nice town. We have always had speed limits in our one-light town. As you ought to know, every town in the USA has speed limits.
As far as the Falkville people needing your money for speeding tickets, we don’t!
We own a business in Falkville and pay taxes, as do the others who own businesses. What the town gets from speeding tickets doesn’t keep up Falkville. Speeding fines are to make people obey the law.
If you prefer to go around Falkville by way of the interstate and miss all that we have to offer in our fair town and pay the price of gasoline these days, my hat’s off to you.
Jo Lawrimore
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