A look back
By By Dr. Bill Stewart
June 26, 1958-Members of Hartselle Church of Christ have decided to build a new residence to be occupied by their minister.
June 26, 2008-Jimmy Little is the new president of Hartselle Civitan Club.
June 26, 1958-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Puckett and children, Jan, Kay and Bill, are enjoying a camping and fishing vacation at Wheeler Dam park this week.
June 26, 1958-Mrs. L. L. Gilchrist is in Montevallo, attending a workshop on clothing construction.
June 27, 1958-Coach J. P. Cain concluded a series of swim classes at the Recreation Park pool this morning. Many kids who didn’t previously know how to swim now do.
June 28, 1958-Tommy Ed Roberts and Pat Wallace, who are employed in Chattanooga this summer, are spending the weekend in Hartselle with homefolks.
June 29, 1958-Fred Oscar Sherrill, 69, passed away today at Hartselle Hospital.
Mr. Sherrill was the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Sherrill. His son, Dr. Fred Sherrill Jr., lovingly attended his beloved father at the hospital until the very end.
June 29, 1958-The Hartselle National Guard, Company C, left this morning for fourteen days of training at Fort McClellan. Lieut. Orval D. Proctor is the company commander. His top enlisted aide is M. Sgt. Thomas E. McCutcheon.
June 29, 1958-Hugh F. Penn, president of Hartselle Kiwanis Club, left today to attend the civic group’s international convention in Chicago.
June 30, 1958-Jon Orr Burleson, a radarman in the Air Force, is currently visiting in Hartselle, at home on furlough before leaving for an 18-month tour of duty in Morocco.
July 1, 1958-E. E. Maddox was installed as the new president of Hartselle Rotary Club today. J. C. Pettey is the retiring president.
July 1, 1958-Mrs. Cline Thompson and Sarah Ann Thompson entertained at their home on Bethel Road tonight. The honoree was their niece and cousin, Virginia Ann Johnson, who will be married in the near future to Frank Stewart.
July 1, 1958-Dr. and Mrs. Claude Lavender and family arrived back in Hartselle today. For the past two years they have made their home in Houston.
July 2,1958-Guy Roberts, chairman of the county Board of Revenue (county commission), has every reason to feel very proud. The financial records he’s responsible for keeping were found to be in excellent shape during a recent state audit.