Letters to the Editor
By Staff
Schools should promote within
It would appear that the Hartselle city school faculty members would have a better chance of hitting the lottery, than getting promoted to principal of the high school. What’s up with this? There were several well qualified and worthy applicants right here, (at home), yet they chose to hire out, rather than promote up. Apparently, if your last name isn’t Reeves, your ladder of success is missing an important rung, near the top.
Forming a committee to assist the superintendent and the school board was ridiculous. Why? Isn’t this an integral part of the requirements of the superintendent and board? Are they that lazy? Regarding the recent actions of the superintendent and the school board, the argument for an elected school board is reinforced. It’s time someone got in there that has enough intestinal fortitude to say no, once in a while. It’s time the majority of Hartselle voters had a say in who sits on this board.
It’s also time that we put people in there that are a little more honest with the financial status of this school. Less than a year ago, they had no money. When questioned as to how much the school could offer yearly to pay for a new school, the reply was “nothing.” They said there was no money available in their budget, and in order for them to contribute anything, they would either have to lay off teachers, cut classes, or discontinue some of the elective courses.
Since then, they have found enough funds to absorb half the cost of resurfacing the football stadium parking lot, completely funded a special election, created another job, (contrary to one of the school board member’s belief).
How many pink slips got handed out to employees to allow all this money to be located and spent?
Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to speak with an employee of this school system. I was told that the superintendent and the board may have a 10 percent approval rating. I wonder. Just how much of that 10 percent got reduced, by overlooking all these well qualified, dedicated, and committed employees of our school system, by hiring out, instead of promoting up?
Mike Dowdy
Caring Day a complete success
I would like to thank the residents of Hartselle for generously participating in our Ninth Annual Caring Day! The City of Hartselle has collected 7,146 canned goods!
We still have five bins still out. Sixty five turkeys and two hams were donated by our merchants and purchased with money donated by civic clubs, companies and churches. A very special thank you goes out to Mayor Tankersley for supporting this event. I would also like to thank Ray Lotter the manager of Hometown Grocery for working with us to purchase the turkeys. I would like to thank the Hartselle Enquirer for joining us as a drop off location and for their generous donation. I also want to say a big thank you to the residents. All of your efforts will make sure that needy families and individuals in the Hartselle area will have a meal for Thanksgiving. All of this would not have been possible without your help. Thank you!
I would also like to thank the people that volunteered this year to make this event a success. Byron Turney, Hershal Clemons, Glen Hollingsworth, Jerry McClure, Michael Halbrooks, Bradley Byrd, Phillip Carter, Dennis Nix, Randy Breeding, Harley Hop, Thomas Phillips, Jeremy Griffith, Jeff Johnson, Shawn Woods, Derrick Woodall, and Kenny Thompson worked to be sure that all the canned foods were collected and taken to the Caring Place.
Diana Sparkman and Carolyn Wallace with the Hartselle Beautification Association helped to collect the turkeys and hams from the merchants. Tammy Hannah with the Hartselle Beautification Association helped to place the bins, and Mary Terry and her three children from Shady Grove Baptist Church helped us to pick up the bins.
I would also like to thank all the banks in Hartselle for participating again. Crestline School, Barkley Bridge, Burleson, and Hartselle Junior High School came through for us again this year!
A very special thank you goes out to Hartselle High School for joining us. Carolyn Wallace with Hartselle Beautification Association, Virginia Alexander with the Caring Place, Margaret Stinson with the City of Hartselle, and Melee Laney from the City of Hartselle helped to organize this event. Thank you all for caring!
Susan Seibert
Administrative Clerk
Department of Development
City of Hartselle
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