It’s time to take on teenage girls
By By Michelle Blaylock, Mom’s Corner
Several months ago I wrote an article on my advice to teenage boys. I’ve had several people ask, “So what about teenage girls?” Yes, I have some advice for them, too. including, but not necessarily limited to, the following things.
First of all, girls, don’t advertise it unless you’re willing to sell it. What does that mean? It means: “Don’t look like hookers, um, prostitutes.” Good, grief. In case you don’t know, guys have very vivid imaginations, you don’t have to show them everything. They know what’s there. Also, if you are going to wear those high heels, please learn to walk in them. Otherwise, you look as graceful as a cow on stilts.
About the makeup, I know it is in style to have the heavy eye liner, but not all of you look great with it. Consider this (I know it is crude, but it comes from my father who is an ex-Marine): If everyone stuck their head in a bucket of poop would you? (Okay, Daddy didn’t say “poop,” but you get the idea.) Ladies, if you answered “yes” to this question, please don’t have children. The human gene pool does not need your genes. (Sorry, parents, but you probably can’t argue that one.)
Secondly, you do not “need” a “man.” I want to scream every time I hear a young lady, let me re-phrase that, every time I hear any woman, young or old, say they “need” a boyfriend or a husband. You may want one, but they don’t “need” one. Let me tell you something, men are like puppies. Yes, puppies. Just like a puppy, they chew on things they shouldn’t. They pee on things they shouldn’t. If they are going to be worth anything at all they have to be trained. They are a pain in the butt until they are an adult (that means about 30 years old in men). Just like a puppy, men can be fun to have around, but when push comes to shove you really don’t have to have one, because they are really more trouble than they are worth. Girls, do yourself a favor and learn to take care of yourself. Don’t depend on a “man” to do it for you. I’m not telling you not to date or go out, but don’t date just because you don’t want to take care of yourself. Date someone because you like him and you have something in common.
Next, only date someone you might consider marrying in the first place. Is that a contradiction to the first one. Not really. Ask yourself what qualities you think are most important in a spouse and the father of your children? Is how he looks the most important thing? How about what kind of car he drives? What about the brand name of his jeans? How about his so cute haircut? If that is what counts to you, then you, ladies, are fools! Oh, and you are idiots, too. Before I get a million e-mails, I’m not saying that just because a guy is cute or has money, he’s a jerk. I’m saying those are not good enough reasons to date a guy. If you can’t stand his personality, but you look great in his car, what is the point?
Also, let me give some tips on dating. If a boy asks you out, it’s only polite to give an answer. “Thanks for the invitation, but I’d rather just be friends.” is an acceptable way to say, “no.” Saying “Oh, I don’t know…” or “ I have to ask my family what they’re doing…” Saying all those things right before or a couple days before the day of the planned date does not mean a definite no. If the guy got up enough guts to ask you straight out if you wanted to go out somewhere, you should have enough guts and respect for the guy to give a tactful but definite “no.” It is actually meaner to give a guy those “maybe” answers and keep him hoping than just to tell him flat out “no” so he doesn’t hold on to any small shreds of hope. I think it is very impolite, rude and just plain mean to give an indefinite answer. After all, you wouldn’t like a guy treating you that way, and if a guy does treat you that way, ignore him.
Another dating tip is if the guy doesn’t respect you enough to get out of the car and come to the door to meet your parents and pick you up, then don’t go out with him. He’s either lazy or a jerk or both. Nevertheless, he’s not someone worth your time.
I know you all have heard this one before, but I think it’s important to say it again. If a guy wants you to do something that you know is wrong, or you are just uncomfortable with, tell him “no.” This applies to sex, drugs, alcohol, driving too fast, or whatever. Tell him “No.” If he respects you, then he will listen. If he doesn’t and keeps pushing, dump him and run! He’s more trouble than he’s worth.
Ladies, would you want a spouse that could not graduate high school or that doesn’t respect you? I’m not saying everyone should want to attend college. What I am saying is that everyone, should have some real dreams. Okay, wanting to be the next American Idol or the next sports hero does NOT qualify — unless that person also has a backup plan. Such as, earning a living the way 99% of other people do with real jobs. By the way, that goes for you ladies, too. It is great to have dreams of being the next Taylor Swift but more than likely you won’t, so find an alternative dream.
I’ve also heard many teenage girls say things like, “I just can’t wait to have a baby. They’re so cute.” Yes, they are cute. No, you don’t need one. You shouldn’t even be wanting one! First of all, babies are also a tremendous responsibility, both emotionally and physically. Want to know what it’s like to have a baby? Try this: Set an alarm clock for every three hours, then get up and sit in a chair for 30 minutes. Next, walk through your house bouncing a doll up and down for about 20 minutes. Now, go back to bed. Repeat every two and half to three hours. Do this for at least one week and at least one time during the week make sure to stay up at least three hours around two in the morning. Also, you are to stay up all day, maybe getting a twenty minute nap every couple of days.
Secondly, babies are expensive. Don’t believe me? Try pricing all the things you need, no change that to “want,” for your baby. Just grab yourself a notebook and start pricing those cute adorable little outfits, that absolutely wonderful carseat, the stroller you just can’t live without, and don’t forget to add the positively beautiful crib and all the things in it! I think that might give you a wake-up call when you total it
I know all of this seems a little harsh maybe, but it is true. Girls, don’t try to be adults too fast. Take time to learn about yourself and what you want in your own life. What kind of career do you want? What do you see yourself doing in 10, 20 or 30 years? Don’t depend on someone else to get you there, such as a husband! You can do it yourself. I’m not against marriage. I have been married for 22 years. It is wonderful to have a husband who is your mate for life, but you also have to consider what kind of life you want to have, set your goals and stick to them. As for the “needing” a “man,” remember the puppy analogy.
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