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Glassco, Summerford to wed
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glassco of Hartselle announce the engagement of their daughter DeeAnna Faith Glassco to Chad Thomas Summerford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Summerford of Falkville
The future bride is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Howell and Sybil Glassco, all of Hartselle and the late Alvie Glassco. She is a 2005 graduate of Hartselle High School and is employed by Fairview Church of God Daycare Center as a 4K teacher.
The future groom is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watts and Rhona Summerford, all of Falkville and the late Joe Summerford. He is the great - grandson of LouAnnie Watts of Falkville
He is a 2003 graduate of Falkville High School and a 2008 graduate of Athens State University and is employed by Morgan County Schools as a 2nd Grade teacher at Danville - Neel Elementary.
The wedding is planned for March 14 at 4 p.m. at Fairview Church of God.