Juvenile program receives grant
By Staff
. Gov. Bob Riley has awarded a $175,329 grant for a Morgan County program that helps juvenile girls who have had minor brushes with the law avoid committing more serious offenses.
. The grant will enable the Morgan County System of Services to establish an assessment center for girls who have been charged with non-criminal offenses. Center counselors will help girls chart a constructive course for their lives and shun behaviors that could lead to more serious disciplinary actions.
The assessment center will provide shelter, food, counseling and support for up to eight girls at a time for up to 15 days. During their stay, an assessment will be made to determine the cause of each girl’s negative behaviors and a plan will be developed to deal with them.
The organization will work with juvenile court judges and juvenile probation officers to identify girls who would benefit from the center. Infractions that could result in girls being referred to the center include truancy, running away from home and unruly behavior.
The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs is administering the grant from funds made available to the state by the U.S. Department of Justice.