Letters to the editor
By Staff
Homeowner thankful for help
Thank you!
We were awakened shortly after midnight by the Hartselle Police Department to ask if we were OK and to tell that a massive 150-year-old oak tree had fallen against our home, the historic Pattillo House that we are restoring, causing extensive damage.
Hartselle Utilities arrived 10 minutes later and we had our water back on in 20 minutes. Shortly after dawn, the mayor, police chief and a reporter from the Enquirer were in our front yard to express their sympathy and asking if they could help. As a huge crane lifted the tree and a string of city trucks stood by to remove the debris, a constant flow of people continued throughout the day to tell us how sorry they were for our damage and to offer their help.
We just want you all to know how much we love this beautiful little city and the wonderful people who truly “look after their own.” Thank you!
Bill and Judy Spain
Express your thoughts in a Letter to the Editor. Send your thoughts to P.O. Box 929, Hartselle, AL 35640
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