Letters to the editor
By Staff
Heroes are honored
On behalf of the American Red Cross Morgan/Lawrence County Chapter, I would like to thank the following individuals for being Heroes for our 2009 campaign: Bettye English – Team Leader, Melanie Pike, Patricia Pettus, Freda Thompson, and Ann Tucker. We appreciate all of you who supported these Heroes by contributing. If you did not have the opportunity to make a donation and would like to do so, you can mail it to P. O. Box 297, Decatur, AL 35602 or donate online by visiting our website www.morglawredcross.org/donations.
As the last three weekends have shown, there is a constant need for the disaster relief that only the Red Cross can provide. In each of the three recent storm systems that affected Morgan County and especially Hartselle, our chapter’s Disaster Action Team members responded within one hour of reported damage to offer immediate financial assistance for food, clothing, and shelter for the storm victims. Our chapter has also responded to a record number of single family fires this fiscal year. Current economic conditions have caused more family members to move in together putting strain on what is usually substandard housing which has resulted in more fires. We continue also to provide emergency military communications for our service men and women overseas so that when there is crisis in a family they can come home. Due to our increased military presence around the world, we have also seen an increase in demand for these services. Blood services and CPR/First Aid courses are also offered on a continual basis by our chapter.
Please support us as we continue to be there for the people of Hartselle and Morgan County.
Debbie M. Heard
Executive Director
American Red Cross Morgan/Lawrence County
Express your thoughts in a Letter to the Editor. Send your thoughts to P.O. Box 929, Hartselle, AL 35640
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E-Sound Off.