Letters to the editor
By Staff
Good Samaritans
My sister from Chattanooga visited me in Huntsville last week, and on Friday we spent the day shopping in Hartselle. To make a very long story short, after lunch at Cahoots, I discovered to my dismay that we were locked out of the car. This is the point where several Hartselle good Samaritans entered the picture.
First, Jenni Spencer and Brian, both of whom work at Cahoots, were unbelievably helpful. Among several other attempts to help, Jenni even went so far as to give my sister her own Honda key to see if it could unlock my car (it didn’t). She stayed right there with us from the beginning of our ordeal to its conclusion with a locksmith.
After several avenues failed to work, my sister and I then walked over to the police department where we met two others of Hartselle’s finest: Margaret Stinson and Officer Gary Branham. Ms. Stinson provided us a place to stay and an informative pleasant atmosphere, while Officer Branham took time to travel to the drugstore to purchase a battery for my key’s remote opener.
I was born and reared in Greenville, another small town where citizens’ actions and assistance are often taken for granted.
After our experience in Hartselle, my sister and I realize anew that one of the primary characteristics of an old-fashioned Southern community is its sense of kindness to strangers in need.
Nan Haygood
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