Letters to the editor
By Staff
God can heal our nation’s woes
In the day that we are living there are many things that are wrong. We have lowered our own morals, gotten greedy and our schools and communities are plagues with violence and drugs.
We also have gotten complacent. As long as our family is not affected, we just don’t seem to care. In recent weeks, we have lost soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as here in the U.S. Honduras has been taken over by the military and we have unrest all around the world.
Now that you have seen it on TV and in the newspaper and radio, etc. you may think that all is lost or we have no hope. You are wrong. We still have hope in God and can still be born again through His son, Jesus. Then we will care about what happens to our schools, communities and nation. We must pray for our leaders in all areas and ask God to give them wisdom.
There are many churches in our area and all would be glad to have you join them. We at Partridge Family Ministries will welcome you. We are a small congregation based on God’s love.
Bro. Bill Partridge
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