A look back
By By Dr. Bill Stewart
July 30, 1959-The Hartselle camp meeting began its 60th annual session here tonight. The evangelists are the Rev. Elton Jones and Dr. H. W. Blackburn. The song leader is Robert Blackburn, the son of Dr. Blackburn. Daily service times are 10:45, 2:45, and 7:45.
July 30, 1959-The Childers family had a reunion at Eva Baptist Church today.
July 31, 1959-Roger Chapman is in Birmingham today for a meeting of the Alabama chapter of the Soil Conservation Society of America.
July 31, 1959-At the Ardmore horse show tonight Buster Evans of Danville won an award in the classification pleasure ponies 40 inches and under ridden by riders 12 and under.
Aug. 1, 1959-State Construction Co. is currently completing three residences in Hartselle’s new Crestline Heights subdivision. Each is valued at approximately $10,000.
Aug. 1, 1959-Ralph (Shorty) Price, a familiar figure at Alabama Crimson Tide football games and a perennial candidate for various offices, plans to seek election as a delegate to next year’s Democratic National Convention.
Aug. 2, 1959-Rev. W. L. Smallwood began a revival at Hopewell Baptist Church tonight. It will last through Friday evening. Rev. J. R. Heaps started a revival at Neal Methodist today. These services will also last through Friday night. Rev. Junior Hill will be in revival at Macedonia Baptist from tonight through Saturday night.
Aug. 2, 1959-The lifespan of the average Morgan Countian is now 63. This contrasts with the national average of 68. Progress is being made, however. In 1937, a resident of this county could expect to live, on average, about 53 years.
Aug. 3, 1959-Area football coaches are in Tuscaloosa today for the first session of the four-day coaches clinic directed by UA head football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant.
Aug. 3, 1959-Murray Landers of Danville was critically injured in a car wreck near here this morning. The accident occurred a half-mile west of town on Highway 36. Initial diagnoses show two broken legs and serious head injuries.
Aug. 3, 1959-Junior Ball of Hartselle 1 had a vehicle accident in Decatur this morning. His car was hit from behind when he stopped for a red light and the other car didn’t.
Aug. 4, 1959-The Hartselle Newcomers Club met this afternoon in the home of Mrs. Bill Grisham.
Aug. 4, 1959-The Ranch Drive-in currently has a double feature screening, “The Blob” and “I Married a Monster from Outer Space.” Other area theatres are trying to lure people away from their television sets, advertising that when they see a movie there is “no snow, no flop over, no double images, and no interruptions.”
Aug. 5, 1959—Morgan County Board of Revenue Chairman Guy Roberts participated in a meeting tonight at Decatur city hall that will ultimately lead to the establishment of a North Alabama planning commission.
Aug. 5, 1959-Hartselle Nazarenes will soon occupy a new church building on West Main. They have sold their old property on North Sparkman to T. F. McDaniel.
Aug. 6, 1959-Another fortuneteller is working in this area. She goes by the name of Madam Pocahontas. Her husband, Mike, is said to be the crown prince of southeastern gypsies.
Aug. 6, 1959-The Alabama Highway Patrol is cracking down on youth who drag race in this area. Those who are caught, mostly on weekends, are having their drivers licenses suspended for an indefinite period. A lot of dragging occurs on U.S. 31 north of Hartselle.