Your opinions
By Staff
Your source for community topics and thoughts
Thank you to the school system
Sounding off on awnings
"Is the plan to have the new awnings and sidewalks redone in time for Depot Days?"
"Why is the city going to tap into reserves but still redoing downtown awnings/sidewalks? Doesn't make sense."
"I think the city leaders need to take a course in the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Program. To get the city out of debt before starting any new projects."
"Well I agree that the city does need to do some more research on how to save money but you want them to learn from Dave Ramsey? Isn't he the guy that charges people to buy a book or attend his conference on how to save money when the people going can't even afford to be going?"
"I can tell you haven't bought one of his books or took one of his courses. It was the best money that we ever spent."
Sounding off on city finances
"There is no doubt we need a new school, however, there was a time when people worked and saved to avoid going into debt. My family wasn't the first on our street to get a second car or a color TV, but my parents weren't in debt either! Perhaps we should be teaching our kids a lesson about being creative with what we have until we can afford more. Raising taxes when everyone is already stretched to the max? Smart! Raising taxes when the people have made it clear that is not what they want? Sounds like Washington! Dipping into our reserves to run the city instead of living within our means? It is only a matter of time until we join the other bankrupt cities and states – and our federal government! Some of the ones on that list are the ones we feel we need to keep up with so badly! Spending money is easy. Living within your means requires hard work. Are we up to it?"
Sounding off on cheerleading
"Attended the seventh and eighth grade season opening games last night. Great effort, great attendance. One glaring omission: No cheerleaders! Which teacher/sponsor dropped the ball on this one? Very disappointing."
The Hartselle Enquirer’s e-sound off is an opportunity for residents to provide anonymous comments about community issues. All comments are subject to editing. The Editor reserves the right to refuse publication. In the event of several submissions on a single topic, a representative comment may be used. Comments can include your thoughts on local issues, questions about policies or procedures or praise for a community group, business or person. Email your comments to with “Sound-off” in subject line.