Letters to the editor
By Staff
The week of July 20th, a used car salesman in Cullman ran a paid advertisement in The Cullman Times stating, “Each one of our vehicles has a 1,000 mile, 30-day warranty.”
My parents purchased a vehicle from them July 21st.
The next day it had no oil pressure. The salesman was contacted immediately—one day after the purchase.
He stated the vehicle had this problem when they got it, but was fixed.
After a week of trying to deal with them, the owner only offered to pay half the cost to drop the oil pan and clean any sludge that might be there.
Half? What happened to that 30-day/1,000 mile warranty he advertised?
They were told if they wanted a new vehicle, they should have bought a new vehicle. If they wanted a vehicle that didn’t have to be worked on, they should have spent $15 ,000 instead of $5,500. My parents have since had to buy a new motor.
A claim was filed with the BBB. He failed to respond to the first letter and answered the second with a lie. Be careful who you buy from. Not everyone honors their advertised warranties. Some define the word hypocrite.
Sandra Hyde
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