Letters to the editor
By Staff
Social Security is being robbed
Wake up America! This means Hartselle, too.
Members of Congress are raiding our Social Security Trust Fund with IOUs for money borrowed in 2008 totaling $180.2 billion dollars.
At this rate it will not be long before it’s all gone. Harry Reid’s plan is to demolish our conservative attempts to reform Medicare to his liking.
Next, the death tax allows the government to take up to 55 percent of everything you own. Stand up for your rights now!
Next your cost of living adjustment. Washington politicians voted themselves a monthly raise of $550.22, but senior citizens were given a miserly $63.10 cost of living adjustment this year.
It used to be we the people, for the people, by the people. Now, it’s we the party, for the party, by the party.
Ralph F. Kreps Sr.
Dog owner is thankful
My little dog with one eye and almost deaf was let out of my house on Mitwede and went across Highway 36 without being hit by a car. That was one miracle.
The second was the kind and thoughtful couple, Mr. and Mrs. James Clemons, who rescued him. They carried him to the shelter and made sure he was not “let go.” The persons there were so kind. Hartselle is a very small town with good people.
Carolyn Jones
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