HJHS takes new approach to student involvement
By By Leada Gore, Hartselle Enquirer
At Hartselle Junior High School, teamwork is taking on an entirely new meaning this year.
The school has formed a series of Advisory Teams. The teams, made up of teachers, counselors and administrators, work with group of students to help them excel in their classwork. The advisory teams meet for 30 minutes the first Wednesday of each month.
"We have a monthly agenda we discuss with the students," librarian Beth Rabb said. "For example, in November, we discussed self esteem."
Principal Don Pouncey said the students are assigned leaders other than their homeroom teachers, providing participants with another adult source for help and advice.
But Advisory Teams aren't the only change at HJHS. Building on the success of its study of Stephen Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," the school has formed a Leadership Council. The team is comprised of students who applied for the group and replaces the Student Council.
"Every child has the ability to be a leader, they just need the opportunity," Rabb said.
The group handles items such as flag detail, managing the marquis and serving as morning greeters. Eighth grade members handled September duties, seventh graders worked in October and sixth graders in November.
The group has also conducted a can drive, including presenting a weekly face on hunger.
There are some 200 HJHS students on the Leadership Council.