January is time to test for radon
By Staff
January is National Radon Action Month and Morgan County residents are advised to test their homes for the dangerous chemical.
High levels of indoor radon have been found in many areas of Alabama, however it appears to occur most frequently in homes across the Tennessee Valley.
Because radon is a colorless, odorless gas that occurs naturally in soil and rocks through the breakdown of uranium, testing is the only way to know the radon levels in a home. Tests throughout Morgan County and North Alabama show a prevelance of radon in many of the area’s homes.
Radon test kits weigh only a few ounces and cost $10 or less. Testing for radon should be done on the lowest level of the home on which occupants spend time, so a finished basement or a basement containing a workshop is a good place to start. Kitchens are not recommended testing areas.
Radon test kits are available at home improvement stores or at the Cooperative Extension Service in Morgan County. For more information, see www.adph.org/radiation.