Letters to the editor
By Staff
Bill Camp will be missed
The city of Hartselle lost one its most distinguished citizens with the loss of Bill Camp last weekend. He was very civic minded and he participated in many activities around Hartselle. It would be difficult to list all his deeds, but to name a few, he was active in the Methodist Church’s music program; Hartselle Kiwanis Club; was a former teacher; and a businessman and realtor. With his passing, his quick smile and offer of coffee when visiting him in his office will be missed by me and his many other friends.
Bob Jaques
Fire departments thanked
On Dec. 30, 2009, I received a phone call from my fiance, telling me that our house was on fire.
I would like to say thank you to Somerville Volunteer Fire Dept., Hartselle Fire Dept, and Priceville Volunteer Fire Dept for the quick response time.
Thank God we were not at home when the fire started, and because of the quick response of these wonderful firemen much of our material items were saved.
I would again like to say thank you not only to these fire departments, but also to the wonderful neighbors, friends, and family that are continuing to help us through this disaster. Marley and General say thank you also.
Amanda Lawrimore and
Michael Maddux
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