A look back
By By Dr. Bill Stewart
Jan. 28, 1960-Tonight is Mother’s March of Dimes night in Hartselle. The fund-raising campaign is being led by Mrs. John Mont-gomery, assisted by Mrs. Roland King, Mrs. Albert Clemmons, Mrs. Sam Minor, Mrs. Edward Summers, Mrs. Billy Gene Clemmons, Mrs. T. B. Strickland, Jr., and Mrs. Bill Roberts. Dr. Joe Hall is the Hartselle city MOD chairman.
Jan. 28, 1960-The Morgan County court today heard a case involving a Hartselle man charged with running illegal gambling machines. Prizes for those who won using what were identified as horoscope machines generally amounted to about a quarter. After short deliberations the jury returned a verdict of guilty and fined the defendant one cent.
Jan. 29, 1960-Mrs. W. M. Booth, widow of the late Dr. Booth, a Hartselle pioneer, died today at Hartselle Hospital. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Earl Cook; and three sons, Vaughn, Powers, and William, the last named a resident of Athens. Mrs. Booth was a member of Hartselle First Methodist where her funeral will be Saturday at 11. She was also a charter member of the Culture Club.
Jan. 29, 1960-A telethon was put on for the Morgan County March of Dimes tonight over WMSL-TV. Hartselle entertainers performing included a group from the MCHS band, Hoyt Fowler, and Barbara Young.
Jan. 29, 1960-The school day was cut short today at Danville. Principal Milton Holmes had to dismiss more than 500 students from their classes following a breakdown in the school heating system.
Jan. 30, 1960-There was an auto accident on the Falkville-Eva Road this morning. Three Falkville men, James and Sam Wilhite, the occupants of a ‘53 Mercury, and W. A. Waddell, who was driving a ‘55 Ford, suffered injuries.
Jan. 30, 1960-In this afternoon’s Shell-sponsored drawing for a new 1960 Cadillac, the winner was Mrs. Sherman Powell, the wife of the prominent Morgan County attorney.
Jan. 31, 1960-Maj. Gen. John B. Medaris officially retired as head of the Army Ordnance Missile Command today. Gen. Medaris continues to believe that not enough money has been appropriated for the Saturn project, a massive missile development project on which many local people have been working for years.
Jan. 31, 1960-Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sain, Hartselle 1, are the proud parents of a baby son born today at Decatur General.
Feb. 1, 1960-Robert Street of Hartselle, a member of the Morgan County Board of Education, was in Falkville tonight to attend a meeting of school patrons interested in determining how proceeds from the recently approved property tax for schools will be used.
Feb. 1, 1960-Today is the last day for persons desiring to vote in this year’s elections to pay their mandatory poll taxes. In order to register to vote you have to go to the courthouse on either the first or third Monday of the month.
Feb. 1, 1960-A Baptist Training Union school began tonight at Hartselle First Baptist and will last through Friday evening.
Feb. 1, 1960-Morgan County State Rep. Albert P. Brewer was elected president of the bar association at a meeting tonight at the Hotel Lyons in Decatur. Sherman Powell was elected vice president.
Feb. 2, 1960—The faculty of Crestline Elementary School during the spring semester consists of the following: A. T. Abercrombie (principal), Ruby Foster, Ruth Glasscock, Margie Long, Sarah Pickens, Opal Stewart, Bessie Landers, and Ruth Huie.
Feb. 3, 1960-MCHS Principal J. C. Pettey was in Decatur tonight for the monthly meeting of the Morgan County Principals Association.