A look back
By By Dr. Bill Stewart
Feb. 11, 1960—Morgan County Superintendent of Education Lester Wooten is in Montgomery today to meet with State Superintendent Frank Stewart.
Feb. 11, 1960-Taxpayers who itemize their deductions when filling out their federal income tax returns are advised that they can deduct the amount of sales taxes they paid during 1959. (This is no longer permitted.)
Feb. 11, 1960-A fire-fighting fund to help increase the amount of water available should Falkville school ever be struck by fire has been initiated by TownCouncilman Sammy Bryant working with the Lions Club, the Garden Club, the Boosters Club, the Cotaco Culture Club, and the American Legion. There is currently no fireplug any closer to Falkville School than 1,500 feet.
Feb. 12, 1960-MCHS defeated Eva 62-53 in a basketball game played here tonight. Speegle led Hartselle scorers with 13 points. King and Turney followed close behind with 12 and 11 points, respectively.
Feb. 12, 1960-Morgan County Superintendent of Education Lester Wooten began a trip to Atlantic City, N.J., today. While there he is scheduled to attend the annual meeting of the American Association of School Administrators. So far, however, due to the snow, he has only gotten as far as Culpepper, Va.
Feb. 13, 1960-Due to
heavy snow U.S. Highway 31 north of Hartselle is closed. The state highway patrol is advising people to stay in their homes unless an emergency requires them to leave. Snow on the ground is as high as 12 inches in some places. County Board Chairman Guy Roberts has a dozen road graders at work throughout Morgan County trying to clear away snow and make roads passable.
Feb. 13, 1960-According to equipment he has at his home, Wray Barclift, a resident of Simpson St., says Hartselle has received 17 inches of snow within the last 24 hours.
Feb. 14, 1960-Ben Bean of Hartselle has qualified to run for Morgan County tax assessor. He joins Porter Lee Hanes and Lucille Lindsey in seeking the position now held by Dr. J. T. Burch.
Feb. 14, 1960-Price Bryant is seeking a second term as Morgan County tax collector. So far he is unopposed.
Feb. 15, 1960-A Falkville P-TA was organized tonight under the leadership of the school principal, W. C. Payne.
Feb. 15, 1960-Mrs. Elmer Shaneyfelt passed away at her home here this morning. Funeral arrangements are pending.
Feb. 15, 1960-Woodfin Hardwick, member of a pioneer Morgan County family, passed away at his home on Hartselle 1 this afternoon. In addition to the widow, Mr. Hardwick is survived by five daughters and one son.
Feb. 16, 1959-Voters in today’s constitutional amendment Referendum will have to show a receipt or other proof that they are up to date as far as payment of their poll taxes is concerned. This is a nuisance and will discourage voter turnout, no doubt. (Morgan County voters approved all of the amendments. Statewide, 13 were ratified.)
Feb. 16, 1960-Popular Lebanon Baptist church pastor Rev. Darryl Harris has resigned his post in the Massey community and will move to Tennessee.
Feb. 17, 1960-Classes at MCHS, Hartselle Elementary, and Crestline Elementary resumed today after being closed for several days due to snow.
Feb. 17, 1959-A new word has entered the English language-”beatnik.” According to one observer, “They write, paint, publish, talk, and don’t care whether anybody looks or listens. They may wear beards. They may throw wild parties.” Beatniks call non-beats squares. To dig means to appreciate. There are so many beatniks that there is said to be a whole beat generation now extant.